How do I create a Brand Store for my Supplier?

Creating a New Brand Store

Begin by making your way to the Brand Store Dashboard by clicking on the Brand Store Icon in the left-hand menu.

Once in the dashboard select"+Create New Brand Store" from the top right-hand corner. 

You will then be prompted to choose the specific Supplier for which the store is intended. After making the selection, you'll be taken to the setup form where you can provide a Name and Base URL for the store. 

The Base URL is the hosting location and requires whitelisting on your website configuration. Suppliers can create sub-URLs for their pages using this base URL. 

Next, select the Daily Store Cost, which determines the supplier's daily charge for running the page.

Once you've scheduled the live dates for the store, the total cost will be automatically calculated and invoiced upfront upon approval of the store setup. 

Finally, select a Wallet as the payment click on "Create Store" to finalize the process. This will grant suppliers access to create their pages and content within the store.



*Please note, Brand Stores is an additional feature on Zitcha. If your instance does not currently show the Brand Stores option from the left-hand menu, please get in touch with your Customer Success representative about adding Brand Stores to your Retail Media offering.